In essence, it’s a story based on an arms race, with deep racism, hatred, and segregation themes.

Kellan soon learns that the Vektan military’s plan is just as dangerous and despicable as the Helghast’s, and teams up with a half-breed female descendant of Visari to kill Massar, the scientist, and with her, the chances a weapon this destructive and deadly falling into the hands of either side of the fighting. But before this can happen, the Vektans send in Lucas Kellan, an elite agent of the Shadow Marshals, to stop them. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, this rebel Helghast faction kidnap the scientist and engineer that created the weapon that annihilated Planet Helghan, and plan to use it to rid Vekta of the Vektan people so that the Helghast can live free and propser. In no time at all, the Helghast get right back to their old, devious ways, and a rebel group decide to attack the Vektan people to escalate the feuding. Still, the two sides plot against each other, and a constant war ensues leaving the entire planet and its people in fear and turmoil.

The remaining Helghast take refuge on Planet Vekta, and oddly, the Vektans are forced aside to allow them to occupy half of their planet-totally not fair! The two conflicting races can’t co-exist, so they’re divided by a massive wall. Killzone: Shadow Fall takes place 30 years after the catastrophic events that took place at the end of Killzone 3 that nearly wiped out the Helghast race and left Planet Helghan in shambles. But is that the right choice? Is Killzone: Shadow Fall the PlayStation 4 exclusive to own at launch?

Killzone is the clear winner here, if only due to Knack being a new IP with a younger audience appeal, while Killzone is a staple PlayStation franchise and a shooter, catering to a mature crowd.
With DriveClub delayed and inFamous: Second Son missing launch and heading further out into the “launch window” with a March release, this leaves Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack as the two retail PS4 exclusives left for PlayStation die-hards to choose from on day one.